Printer's Journal

Check out what we've been printing and our favorite letterpress news

Business cards for a&be bridal shop

We just completed a super fun and challenging project for one of our favorite wedding vendors, a&be bridal shop! The business cards for the shop are a lovely simple design created by one of the shop owners, Breanna Doll. This simple design is more complex to print than meets the eye! The cards required four separate runs, letterpress on the front and back, copper foil on the front, and a blind emboss that shows on the front and the back. We think they look pretty stellar!

If you are a bride in the market for your wedding dress, be sure to check this shop out!

The Englewood Depot: Letterpress Museum

Wilson printing broadsides at an Englewood Depot fundraiser

Wilson printing broadsides at an Englewood Depot fundraiser

For the past year we have been helping our good friend Tom Parson with his dream project. He has purchased the Englewood Train Depot building and has been working to raise funds and renovate the building. We are so excited that this amazing museum will offer people a hands-on experience with letterpress printing! Stay tuned for new opportunities to learn about letterpress printing and participate in getting the museum up and running!